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Cancer Symptoms


12 Signs and Symptoms



You need to know how your breasts look and feel to maintain their health.  Any changes in their shape or feel must be reported to a health professional.  Whilst regular self-examination helps detect early signs and thus gives you a better chance of successful treatment, it DOES NOT replace the need for regular screening and mammograms.  Here are the 12 most common  signs:


  1. A hard lump or mass that can be detected when you press on the breast

  2. A noticeable bump in your regular shape

  3. A dimple or dent in your regular shape

  4. The development of a thick area in your breast

  5. A transformation of your regular breast shape or size

  6. The development of an orange peel surface on your breast

  7. The development of a crust on your nipple

  8. A growing vein in your breast

  9. A sunken nipple in your breast

  10. The development of a red or hot breast

  11. An unexpected discharge from the nipple

  12. The development of skin sores on your breast 


12 Signs and Symptoms



Whilst regular prostate cancer check-ups are recommended for men starting from the age of 50, those who are at high-risk should consult with their doctors to obtain regular screening before turning 50.  Like all cancers, the below are the 12 most common  signs and symptoms.  However, if you exhibit one or more of those signs, it does not automatically mean that you have cancer, but instead that you should have an immediate check-up.


  1. A burning sensation or pain during urination

  2. Difficulty urinating (trouble in starting or stopping during urination)

  3. Increased urge to urinate during the night

  4. Loss of bladder control

  5. Decreased flow and/or speed of urine stream

  6. Blood traces in urine

  7. Blood traces in semen

  8. Erectile dysfunction

  9. Painful ejaculation

  10. Swelling in legs or pelvic area

  11. Numbness in legs, hips or feet

  12. Consistant bone aches that lead to fractures


6 Signs and Symptoms



Unfortunately, most lung cancers do not exhibit signs or symptoms at the early stage and only manifest symptoms at later stages.  It is advisable to undergo regular lung cancer screening if you are a smoker or high-risk lung-cancer patient.  However, some people experience early symptoms.  Below are the most common 6 signs of lung cancer at the early stages:


  1. A continuous and/or persistent cough that does not heal

  2. Coughing-up blood or rust-coloured sputum (phlegm)

  3. Breathing difficulties and/or irregularities including shortness of breath, wheezing, noisy breath

  4. Recurring chest infections such as pneumonia, bronchitis 

  5. Overall fatigue and constantly feeling tired and/or weak

  6. Loss of appetite and weight loss


8 Signs and Symptoms



Similar to lung cancer, colorectal cancer symptoms do not present themselves at the early stage of the disease.  This is why you should have regular screening if you are over 50-years-old or regarded as a high-risk colorectal cancer patient.  Below are the most common 8 signs that have a direct effect on the colon or rectum.  There may also be systemic symptoms including weakness and/or fatigue, unexplained weight loss, jaundice, nausea/vomiting and anemia.


  1. Changes in your bowel habits

  2. Diarrhea

  3. Constipation

  4. Alternating diarrhea and constipation

  5. Rectal bleeding or the presence of blood in your stool

  6. Abdominal bloating, cramps or discomfort

  7. A feeling that your bowel does not empty completely

  8. Stools that are thinner than normal


10 Signs and Symptoms



Like a lot of cancers, liver cancer symptoms do not present themselves at the early stage of the disease.  This is why you should have regular screening if you are regarded as a high-risk liver cancer patient.  Below are the most common 10 signs that people experience.  The presence of these symptoms may also be due to other benign conditions and therefore consulting a doctor is necessary.


  1. Unexplained weight loss

  2. Low appetite or feeling full after a small meal

  3. Nausea or vomiting that is not associated with other condition

  4. Persistent fatigue and general weakness

  5. Upper abdominal pain on the right side or near the right shoulder blade

  6. Fever that is unrelated to any other condition

  7. Enlarged liver that you can feel as a mass on the right side under the ribs

  8. Enlarged spleen that you feel as a mass on the left side under the ribs

  9. Abdominal swelling

  10. Jaundice which appears as yellowing of the skin and eyes


7 Signs and Symptoms



Like a lot of cancers, pancreatic cancer symptoms do not present themselves at the early stage of the disease.  In-fact, if you experience any of the below symptoms, you are likely at the late stages of the disease.  This is why you should have regular screening if you are regarded as a high-risk pancreatic cancer patient.  Below are the most common 7 signs that people experience:


  1. Jaundice which appears as yellowing of the skin and eyes

  2. Digestive problems including abnormal stools, nausea and vomiting

  3. Upper abdominal pain that radiates to the back

  4. Loss of appetite and sudden weight loss

  5. Swollen gallbladder (detected by a doctor during a physical examination)

  6. Blood clots

  7. The development of diabetes

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